At a Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, begun and
held in the City of Annapolis, on the Fifth day of
January, 1949, and ending on the Fourth day of
April, 1949, the Honorable Wm. Preston Lane, Jr.,
being Governor of the State, the following laws were
enacted, to wit:
(House Bill 77)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section
1286 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Prince George's
County (Flack's Edition, 1943), as amended by Chapter 230
of the Acts of 1947, to increase the amount to One Million
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1, 200, 000. 00) that may
be borrowed by the Board of County Commissioners for the
purpose of municipal functions and street improvements in
special improvement districts in said county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 1286 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Prince George's County (Flack's Edition, 1943), as amended
by Chapter 230 of the Acts of 1947, be, and the same is hereby,
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
1286. The Board of County Commissioners, for the purpose
of making improvements in any special improvement district
or for the operation or maintenance of any municipal func-
tions within said district, are hereby given full power and
authority to borrow, upon the faith and credit of Prince
George's County, such sum or sums as may be needed for the
purposes, mentioned; to fix the maturity or maturities of any
such debt; the interest rate and manner and place of pay-
ment; and to issue their evidences of indebtedness for the
amount of the money so borrowed; provided, however, that
no part of any such debt shall run for a longer period than
ten (10) years, and the County Commissioners shall, by a
proper resolution provide for the liquidation of said debt by
the application of receipts of special assessments or taxes
received from said district. Provided further that at no time
shall the Board of County Commissioners be obligated for a