tions for the transaction of business thereat as the Mayor
and Town Council may determine. In addition to the regu-
lar meetings, special meetings of the Mayor and Town Coun-
cil may at any time be convened by the Mayor, or at the re-
quest of three members of that body. Special meetings shall
be confined to the business set out in the call for such special
meeting unless there be unanimous consent of all Councilmen
to the consideration of other matters at such special meeting.
The Mayor of the Town of Forest Heights shall be the execu-
tive officer thereof, clothed with all the power necessary to
secure the enforcement of all ordinances of said town under
this charter. At all meetings of the Mayor and Town Coun-
cil, the Mayor and three Councilmen, or in the absence of the
Mayor, four Councilmen, present and voting, shall constitute
a quorum for the transaction of business, and four affirmative
votes shall be necessary for the passage of an ordinance, law
or resolution at all times. All ordinances, resolutions, orders
and appropriations shall take effect from the date of their
passage unless otherwise provided therein. By petition of
thirty percent of the registered voters, any ordinance, resolu-
tion, orders and appropriations may be subjected to a referen-
dum at the next general election, or, in the discretion of the
Mayor and Town Council, with or without such petition, at
a special referendum.
SEC. 8. The Mayor and Town Council may provide by
ordinance for the good government of the town, for the pre-
servation of the peace and good order therein, and for se-
curing to the residents of said town all rights of persons and
property to which they are by law entitled, for the surveying,
grading, paving, repairing, draining, laying out, extending,
opening, closing, straightening, or relocating any of the
streets, sidewalks or alleys in said town, and may condemn
or purchase the right-of-way for any street or alley which
it may determine shall be opened for the public good, the
process of condemnation to conform so far as may be, to the
condemnation of property for roadways by the Commis-
sioners of Prince George's County, or the State Roads
Commission of Maryland, as authorized by law; for the re-
moval of nuisances, for the removal of obstructions from
streets, lanes, and alleys; for the establishment of building
lines and building regulations; for prohibiting the carrying
of concealed weapons, for prohibiting the discharge of fire-
arms, firecrackers, torpedoes and other explosives; for pre-
venting swine, cattle, fowls, dogs, chickens or other animals
from running at large on the streets, for licensing, taxing and
regulating all useful trades and occupations and all amuse-
ments and theatrical exhibitions; for the purpose of raising