the approval of the people who, on the State and local level,
understand the problems involved and the objects to be
achieved; and
WHEREAS, the people of Massachusetts and Connecticut
have, at regular elections, recently decided that international
law can be effectively secured by strengthening the United
Nations organization with a view of changing it from its
present powerless state like that of the Articles of Confedera-
tion to the. status of a strictly limited World Federal Govern-
ment modeled on our own Constitutional system; and
WHEREAS, Maryland patriots and statesmen took the lead
at the Annapolis and Philadelphia Conventions in founding
our own Federal system and in securing the approval of the
same by all residents of our State; and
WHEREAS, Marylanders today should take their proper part
in understanding and helping to solve the problems facing
America and the world in which we all live together; now,
therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Governor be and he is hereby authorized and requested to
appoint a Commission of at least ten outstanding Mary-
landers, two of whom shall be members of the Judiciary, four
of whom shall be members of the General Assembly, and the
rest to be selected from the State at large, which said Com-
mission shall consider the advisability of submitting to the
people of Maryland the question as to whether or not we
should join with Massachusetts and Connecticut and others of
our sister States in urging our general government to take
the initiative inside the United Nations Organization in bol-
stering it with authority to enact, interpret and enforce inter-
national law; and said Commission shall submit its report
and recommendations to the Governor and Legislative Council
by November 1, 1949.
Approved May 6, 1949.