hearing of the allegations and the evidence of both parties
and shall give judgment according to the law of the land and
the equity and right of the matter.
174E. The Circuit Court for Baltimore County is authorized
to prescribe by general rules the practice and procedure in all
civil actions before Justices of the Peace designated as Trial
Magistrates in Baltimore County. Such rules shall neither
abridge, enlarge nor modify the substantive rights of any liti-
gant, nor shall any such rules apply to practice and pro-
cedure in criminal cases and cases for violation of the Motor
Vehicles Law, but as used in this Act, the terms "practice
and procedure" shall be liberally construed, and without in-
tending hereby to limit their comprehensive application, shall
be deemed to include process, writs, pleadings, parties, trials
and judgments. Such general rules shall take effect on the
date as prescribed therein. Upon taking effect such rules and
any subsequent amendments or additions thereto, shall super-
sede any prior inconsistent public general or public local law.
Such rules may be rescinded, changed, modified or added to
from time to time by the Circuit Court for Baltimore County
or by the General Assembly, and such alterations or additions
to the rules shall become effective at such time as the Circuit
Court for Baltimore County or the General Assembly shall
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1949.
Approved May 6, 1949.
(House Bill 704)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section.
356 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Baltimore County
(Smith's 1948 Edition), title "Public Works", sub-title
"Sewer and Water" (Metropolitan District) so as to per-
mit the County Commissioners of Baltimore County to
determine, in its sole discretion, the manner and extent
of advertising the sale at public sale of any bonds issued
pursuant to the provisions of said section.
WHEREAS, Section 356 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Baltimore County (Smith's 1948 Edition), provides the man-