sit at Elkton and shall receive an annual salary of $1, 000. 00,
one of whom shall sit at Chesapeake City and shall receive
an annual salary of $500. 00, one of whom shall sit at Perry-
ville and shall receive an annual salary of $500. 00, and one
of whom shall sit at Rising Sun and shall receive an annual
salary of $500. 00.
SEC. 2. And be it -further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1949.
Approved May 6, 1949.
(House Bill 700)
AN ACT to add five newT sections to the Code of Public Local
Laws of Baltimore County (Smith's 1948 Edition), said
new sections to be under a new title to be known as Title
13A, "Justices of the Peace", and to be known as Sections
174A, 174B, 174C, 174D and 174E, to follow immediately
after Section 174 thereof, providing for the method of insti-
tuting suits before Justices of the Peace in Baltimore
County, the form of summons and provision for summons by
registered mail, the fees to be charged by Justices of the
Peace in Baltimore County, the Election District where civil
actions, except actions ex delicto, shall be filed, and dele-
gating to the Circuit Court for Baltimore County the
authority to prescribe General Rules of Practice and Pro-
cedure in Civil Actions before Justices of the Peace in Balti-
more County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That five new sections of the Code of Public Local Laws
of Baltimore County (Smith's 1948 Edition), said new sec-
tions to be under a new title to be known as Title 13A, "Jus-
tices of the Peace", and to be known as Sections 174A, 174B,
174C, 174D and 174E, be and they hereby are enacted to read
as follows:
174A. Actions triable before Justices of the Peace for Balti-
more County shall be commenced by filing a written statement
of claim, with a copy of such claim to each defendant, in con-
cise form and free from technicalities, setting forth briefly
the particulars of plaintiff's claim, and accompanied by any
bond, bill of exchange, promissory note or other instrument,