1722 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [ CH. 702
participant who shall in the future leave the Department to
become a member of the armed forces of the United States
Government during a time of war or national emergency,
shall pay to the Fund such amount as he world have paid
had he remained in the service, and said amount shall be
paid in monthly installments within one (1) year from the
time of his reinstatement, and he shall not be eligible for
benefits under the Fund until he has made full payment of
dues which he would have paid had he remained contin-
uously in the service. With regard to members of the service
who shall in the future leave to join the armed forces of
the United States Government during a time of war or
national emergency, the Mayor and City Council of Cumber-
land shall, upon the return of said participants to the em-
ploy of the Fire Department pay to the Fund such amount
as said participant would have paid had he remained in the
service and. said participant veteran shall be thus fully rein-
stated without cost to himself. However, the Mayor and City
Council of Cumberland, shall not be obliged to pay the afore-
said contribution to the Fund in case of a veteran partici-
pant unless said veteran participant returns to the employ
of the Fire Department within ninety (90) days after his
release and discharge from the Armed Forces of the United
States Government. This provision of payment by the Mayor
and City Council of Cumberland of the contribution of a
veteran participant shall apply only to that period of time
that said participant was in the Armed Forces of the United
States Government during a time of war or national emer-
gency and is not to be construed as covering any period of
time spent in the Armed Forces of the United States Govern-
ment during peace time or when a national emergency does
not exist. No participant shall be eligible for benefits under
the Fund until he has made full payment of dues which he
would have paid had he remained continuously in the service,
with the exception of those participants who joined the
Armed Forces in time of war or national emergency as here-
inbefore stated. If, however, any reinstated participant shall
be injured in the line of duty before he shall have made full
restitution and before said one year period and if the dis-
ability caused by such injury shall continue beyond the
period during which compensation shall be paid him under
the workmen's compensation law, he shall be eligible for a
pension hereunder, but any amount in which he shall have
been indebted to the Fund at the date of his injury, shall be
repaid, if the Board, in its, discretion, shall so require, in
such monthly payments as the Board may determine, which
amount shall be deducted from his pension as and when
monthly payments thereof shall be made.