Maryland, the same pertaining to the Police Pension Fund
of Cumberland, shall be deemed repealed.
Section 6. The Mayor of the City of Cumberland shall
ascertain as a fact, whether there has been a vote of
approval by at least three-fourths of the active members
of the Police Department or Fire Department, of any
pension plan affecting the particular department con-
cerned, and proposed by an Ordinance of the Mayor and
City Council of Cumberland, as provided for in this Act.
Approved May 6, 1949.
(Senate Bill 393)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,, Section
4 of Article 59 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1939
Edition and 1947 Supplement), title "Lunatics and In-
sane", sub-title "Lunatic or Insane Paupers'7; Sections 6,
8 and 10 of said Article and title, sub-title "Insanity as
a Defense in Criminal Cases"; Sections 16, 19, 21, 24, 25,
26, 30, 31, 33, 38, 40, 42, 47, 49 and 50 of said Article and
title, sub-title "Board of Mental Hygiene"; and to repeal
Sections 15 and 20 of said Article and title, sub-title "Board
of Mental Hygiene", and to repeal said sub-title, and to
enact in lieu thereof a new sub-title to be known as "De-
partment of Mental Hygiene", and to enact in lieu of the
repealed Sections two new Sections to be known as Sec-
tions 15 and 20; and to repeal Section 51 of said Article
and title, sub-title "Rosewood State Training School", and
to repeal said sub-title, and to enact in lieu of the repealed
Section, a new section to be known as Section 51; and to
repeal Sections 18 and 20A of said Article and title, sub-
title "Board of Mental Hygiene"; and to repeal Section 52
of said Article and title, sub-title "Rosewood State Train-
ing School"; and to repeal Sections 61, 62, 63 and 66 of
said Article and title, sub-title "Crownsville State Hos-
pital"; and to repeal Sections 67 to 70, inclusive of said
Article and title, sub-title "Eastern Shore State Hospital",
terminating the tenure of the Commissioner of Mental
Hygiene and the Superintendent of each State institution
caring for or treating persons of unsound mind, establish-
ing a Department of Mental Hygiene and denning its
powers and duties, providing for the appointment of a