North Potomac Street and Oak Hill Avenue to the Balti-
more Branch of the Western Maryland Railroad, thence
with the center line of said Western Maryland Railroad
eastwardly to its intersection with the eastern boundary
line of the City, thence southwardly with the said eastern
boundary line to its intersection with the northern bound-
ary line of Ward No. 3, thence with the northern boundary
of Ward No. 3 to the place of beginning.
(For Ward Number Five) Beginning at the intersection
of the center line of Oak Hill Avenue and the Western
Maryland Railroad, Baltimore Branch, thence eastwardly
with the center line of said railroad and the north bound-
ary line of Ward No. 4 to the eastern boundary of the City,
thence northwardly and westwardly and southwardly with
the boundary lines of the City to the intersection of the
west boundary line of the City and the Chambersburg
Branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad, thence with the said
Pennsylvania Railroad and the northern boundary of Ward
No. 1 southeasterly to the intersection of the Pennsylvania
Railroad and Western Maryland Railroad, thence following
the Western Maryland Railroad, Baltimore Branch, and
the northern boundary line of Ward No. 1 to the place of
And the Council of Hagerstown is hereby authorized,
empowered and directed to sub-divide by ordinance all or
any of said wards into as many precincts as may be neces-
sary to facilitate the registration or balloting of the quali-
fied voters of said City, setting forth in said ordinance
the metes and bounds, courses and distances of said pre-
cincts, provided the precincts shall have as nearly as
possible equal numbers of voters, and that no precinct
shall have less than four hundred voters.
11. The citizens of Hagerstown of the age of twenty-
one years and upwards, who shall be first duly registered
as hereinafter prescribed and who have resided in the State
of Maryland and in said City for twelve months next
preceding the election, shall on the fourth Tuesday of
March, in the year 1949, and not before, and upon the
same day every four years thereafter, elect by ballot
a person not under twenty-five years of age, a citizen
of the United States, and five years next preceding the
election a resident of said City as then constituted to be
Mayor of said City; he shall take the oath of office
hereinafter prescribed and remain in office until his suc-
cessor is elected and qualified.