rescind the necessary orders, rules and regulations to carry
out the provisions of this sub-title, and to prepare a com-
prehensive plan and program for the civil defense of this
State; to integrate such plan and program with the civil
defense plans of the Federal Government and other States
to the fullest possible extent, and to coordinate the prepara-
tion of plans and programs for civil defense by the political
sub-divisions of this State. The Governor is authorized to
procure supplies and equipment and to institute training
programs and public information programs and to take all
other preparatory steps in advance of actual disaster. The
Governor is authorized to make such studies and surveys of
the industries, resources, and facilities in this State as may
be necessary to ascertain the capabilities of the State for
civil defense and to plan for the most efficient emergency
use thereof. The Governor is authorized to appoint, in co-
operation with local authorities, Directors for the political
subdivisions of the State and may delegate to them any ad-
ministrative authority vested in him under this sub-title,
and to provide for the sub-delegation of any such authority.
184. (Local Organizations for Civil Defense. ) Each politi-
cal subdivision of this State is hereby authorized and direct-
ed to establish a local organization for civil defense in ac-
cordance with the State Civil Defense plan and program.
Each local organization for civil defense shall have a Direc-
tor who shall be appointed by the Governor upon the recom-
mendation of the Mayor or governing body of the political
subdivisions, and who shall have direct responsibility for
the organization, administration and operation of such local
organization for civil defense, subject to* the direction and
control of said Mayor or governing body, under general
direction of the Governor.
185. (Mutual Aid Arrangements. ) The Director, operating
under the Adjutant General, in collaboration with other pub-
lic and private agencies within the State, will develop, or
cause to be developed, mutual aid arrangements for recipro-
cal civil defense aid and assistance in case of disaster of ex-
treme nature which affects two or more political subdivisions.
186. (Appropriations and Authority to Accept Services,
Gifts, Grants, and Loans. ) (a) Each political subdivision
shall have the power to make appropriations in the manner
provided by law for the payment of expenses of its local
organization for civil defense.