179. (Policy and Purpose. ) (a) Because of the existing
possibility of the occurrence of disasters of unprecedented
size and destructiveness resulting from enemy attack, sabo-
tage or other hostile action, or from fire, flood, earthquake,
or other natural causes, and in order to insure that prepara-
tions of this State will be adequate to deal with such dis-
asters, and generally to provide for the common defense and
to protect the public peace, health, and safety, and to pre-
serve the lives and property of the people of the State of
Maryland, it is hereby found and declared to be necessary:
(1) to create a Maryland Civil Defense Agency, and to
authorize the creation of local organizations for civil defense
in the political subdivisions of the State; (2) to confer upon
the Governor and upon the executive heads or governing
bodies of the political subdivisions of the State the emergency
powers provided herein; and (3) to provide for the rendering
of mutual aid among the political subdivisions of the State
and with other States with respect to the carrying out of the
civil defense functions.
(b) It is further declared to be the purpose of this sub-
title and the policy of the State of Maryland that all civil
defense functions of this State be coordinated to the maxi-
mum extent possible with the comparable functions of the
Federal t Government, other States and localities, and of
private agencies of every type, to the end that the most effec-
tive preparation and use may be made of the resources and
facilities available for dealing with any disaster that may
180. (Definitions. ) As used in this sub-title:
(a) "Civil Defense" shall mean the preparation for and the
carrying out of all emergency functions other than functions
for which military forces are primarily responsible, to mini-
mize and repair injury and damage resulting from disasters
caused by enemy attacks, sabotage or other hostile action, or
by fire, flood, earthquake, or other natural causes.
(b) "Local Organization for Civil Defense" shall mean an
organization created in accordance with the provisions of this
sub-title by city, town, county, or other local authority as
authorized by the Governor under the State plan.
(c) "Political Subdivision" shall mean any county, munici-
pal corporation, town, village or district.
181. (State Civil Defense Agency. ) (a) The Governor is
hereby authorized and directed to create a Civil Defense
Agency under the Adjutant General and upon the recommen-