(c) The denomination or denominations of the certifi-
cates to be issued at any particular time, which may be
not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100) but may be in
sums of One Hundred Dollars ($100) or any suitable mul-
tiple thereof, and the place or places of payment of prin-
cipal and interest thereof.
(d) The rate of interest of the certificates to be issued
at any particular time not exceeding in any case 3% per
annum, payable semi-annually.
(e) The date of the certificates issued at any particular
time, and within the limits prescribed by Article III, Sec-
tion 34 of the Constitution of Maryland the redemption
dates of said certificates.
The Resolution authorizing the issuance of said loan or
any portion thereof shall set forth in detail the dates when
any of the certificates representing said loan or any por-
tion thereof are to be redeemed and the amount to be
redeemed upon such dates, respectively, according to the
serial annuity plan applied to said loan as a whole or to
the group of certificates evidencing a part of said loan
issued at a particular time, as the case may be.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Governor,
Comptroller of the Treasury and Treasurer of the State,
constituting the Board of Public Works, or a majority of
them, are hereby authorized and directed to have prepared
proper Certificates of Indebtedness of the State in good
and sufficient form to aggregate the amount of Twenty
Million Dollars ($20, 000, 000), as evidence of such loan;
such Certificates of Indebtedness shall bear date as of the
time of their issue as provided in Section 1 of this Act.
Each of said Certificates shall be signed by the Treasurer
of the State and countersigned by the Comptroller of the
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That in order to
provide for the selling of the Certificates of Indebtedness
aforesaid, to be issued under the provisions of this Act,
the Governor, Comptroller of the Treasury and the Treas-
urer of this State, or a majority of them, are hereby
directed to advertise twice a week for two successive weeks
before the said Certificates of Indebtedness, or any part
thereof, shall be issued, in two newspapers published in
the City of Baltimore, that the Treasurer of this State will
be in readiness at a time within fifteen (15) days after the
expiration of said notice to receive bids at such place or
places as may be named in said respective advertisements