1910, as amended by Section 189 of Chapter 790, Acts of
Maryland Assembly, Session of 1912, as further amended by
Section 1 of Chapter 198, Acts of Maryland Assembly, Ses-
sion of 1916, and as further amended by Section 189 of
Chapter 264, Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland,
Session of 1922, and as further amended by Section 282 of
Chapter 310, Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland,
Session of 1941, relating to the licensing of dogs and kennels
and to the collection of taxes therefor in Montgomery
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 282 of Article 16 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland (1939 Edition), title "Montgomery
County", sub-title "Dogs", as the same was enacted by Section
1 of Chapter 717; Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland,
Session of 1910, as amended by Section 189 of Chapter 790,
Acts of Maryland Assembly, Session of 1912, as further
amended by Section 1 of Chapter 198, Acts of Maryland Assem-
bly, Session of 1916, and as further amended by Section 189 of
Chapter 264, Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland,
Session of 1922, as further amended by Section 282 of Chapter
310, Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, Session of
1941, be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, to
read as follows:
282. All owners of dogs born before the first of January in
each year, in Montgomery County, shall pay to the County an
annual tax of one dollar for each male dog and two dollars
for each female dog, except keepers of kennels, who shall pay
a kennel license of ten dollars per annum for less than twenty-
five dogs; between twenty-five and fifty dogs, twenty-five dol-
lars and for every twenty-five dogs or fraction thereof above
fifty, an additional fifteen dollars. The County Commissioners
shall from time to time designate a suitable person or persons
then in the employ of the County who shall issue kennel
licenses, which shall specify the name of the owner, name of
kennel and keeper of same. Any dog kept or straying about
the premises of any person with his knowledge, whether such
person be the owner or only the occupant of said premises,
shall be deemed for the purpose of this section the property
of said person. The tax imposed by this section shall be due
and payable on the first day of January of each year, and
shall be payable within the first thirty days of each year.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1945. ;
Approved May 4, 1945.