Election War Ballot, State of Maryland''. The third envelope
shall be a covering envelope in which all the balloting material
shall be sent to Absentee. Residents; and there shall be printed
on the covering envelopes the return address of the Board
from which they are sent, and in bold type the phrase, "Official
Election War Ballot, State of Maryland".
The several Boards, before sending the return envelope to
the Absentee Resident, shall cause it to be addressed to the
Secretary of State, Annapolis, Maryland.
The ballot envelope shall be of sufficient size to contain the
State Absentee Ballot. Printed on the face of the Ballot Envel-
ope shall be the following oath:
"I,......................... do hereby swear (or affirm)
(Print name above)
that the date of my birth was.... day of.................;
(Month) (Year)
that I am a citizen of the United States; that for at least one
year immediately preceding................................
(Date of Election)
my home residence was in Maryland; that for at least six
months immediately preceding..................... my home
(Date of Election)
residence was............................................
(No. and street or rural route)
....................................... (In figuring the one
(Town or City) (County)
year of residence and six months of residence referred to above,
include time spent in the army, navy, or other service since
you left your home); that I am (check appropriate blank):
(a) in the armed forces of the United States serving as
................... ( );
(Indicate rank)
(b).......................................... ( );
(If serving outside United States in Merchant Marine,
American Red Cross, Society of Friends, Women's Aux-
iliary Service Pilots or United Service Organizations or
as civilian working with the armed forces of the United
States, or, if honorably discharged from such armed
forces too late to register or vote at home, state in which
you are, or were, serving and rank or position. )
that the within ballot was by me marked, folded and enclosed
and sealed in this Ballot Envelope; that I am not now dis-
franchised from voting by reason of any offense committed
against the laws of Maryland. I desire to be registered as
............... (If not now registered, indicate party affilia-