mary elections; provided, that if after the expiration of the
time allowed by this sub-title for candidates for public office,
delegates to conventions, members of managing bodies, pre-
cinct, ward, city and county executives or executive commit-
tees to qualify for the purpose of having their names placed
upon the official primary election ballot in any legislative
district of Baltimore City or in any county of the State it
shall appear that only one set of candidates of any such po-
litical party have so qualified, then and in that event, cer-
tificates of nomination or selection shall be issued to "the can-
didates so qualified in a similar manner to that herein pro-
vided for successful candidates at primary elections, and no
such primary election shall be held for such political party;
and provided, further, that whenever only one candidate of
any such political party for such public office or position has
so qualified to have his name so placed upon the official pri-
mary election ballot at the expiration of the time allowed
by this sub-title, then, and in that event, a certificate of nom-
ination or selection shall in like manner be issued to him
forthwith, and his name, and the name of the position for
which he is a candidate shall be omitted from the said official
ballot, so that such official ballot of such political party shall
contain only the names of such candidates for position, offices,
or delegates where there are qualified contestants for such po-
sitions. Any vacancy which may exist in respect to any of-
fice, delegates to convention, or position named in this sub-
title occurring after the returns have been canvassed and
finally announced or which may exist by reason of there be-
ing no candidate for the same in any such primary election
or otherwise, shall be filled as the rules and regulations of
the governing bodies for the respective parties in the counties,
city or State may now or shall hereafter provide.
54. (a) Within seven days after the day of any primary
election any candidate for a nomination or for delegate to any
convention or for executive or member of any committee or
position who has been defeated on the face of the returns may
petition the Supervisors of Elections of Baltimore City or of
any county of the State for an appeal from and review of the
action and decision of the judges of election in counting the
ballots and for a recanvass and recount of the ballots cast in
any or all of the precincts of said county or city or ward or
legislative district or political division therein or if said can-
didate was running for a State office or for Congress or for
judge he may petition for said recount in two or more counties
or legislative districts or wards or precincts of Baltimore City