46. Said primary elections by the political parties aforesaid
shall be held throughout this State, including Baltimore City,
on the second Monday in September, except in those years in
which there shall be an election of a President and Vice-Presi-
dent of the United States, in which said presidential years the
said primaries, including primaries for nominating candidates
for Congress, delegates from the several counties and legislative
districts of Baltimore City to the State Convention, and all
candidates to be elected at the presidential elections, other than
delegates to National Conventions and presidential electors
(which said delegates and electors shall be chosen by the State
Convention as aforesaid), shall be held on the first Monday in
47. Except in polling places where voting machines are
used, as hereinafter in this Article provided, as many differ-
ent sets of official ballots shall be printed and supplied by the
Board of Supervisors of Elections at each polling place, and
as many ballot-boxes shall be used at each polling place, as
there are separate party nominations, delegates, executives
or executive bodies to be voted for. The ballots of the several
parties shall be printed upon opaque paper of different colors,
to be determined by the several Boards of Supervisors of Elec-
tions. Every qualified person offering to vote at a primary
election shall be permitted to vote in the primary election of
that party only with which he shall appear upon the books
of registration or registration cards or forms to be affiliated.
Except in Baltimore City and in counties having permanent
boards of registration, all persons arriving at the age of twenty-
one years after the closing of the next preceding registration,
or who shall attain the age of twenty-one years before the
general election for which the primary election is held, en-
titled to be registered as qualified voters, shall be entitled
to vote upon proving, under oath, to the satisfaction of a ma-
jority of the judges of election, their right to registration in
the precinct in which they claim the right to vote. No voter
after having had his or her affiliation registered shall be per-
mitted to make any change in such party affiliation unless the
same shall be made at least six months prior to the day of
the primary election.
48. Official ballots shall be prepared and printed for such
primary elections in Baltimore City and in the several coun-
ties, respectively, by the said several Boards of Supervisors
of Elections for said city and said several counties, respec-
tively, as is now provided by this Article for general elections,
except as otherwise provided for in this sub-title, and except
that on the back and outside of all such official ballots shall
be printed only the words "Official Ballot For", followed by