CHAP. 7.
exercise of the powers of the Board of Police of the
city of Baltimore hereinafter created, nor shall the
said city or any officer or agent of the corporation
of said city, or of the Mayor thereof, in any man-
ner impede, obstruct, hinder or interfere with the
said Board of Police, or any officer, agent or ser-
vant thereof or thereunder.
SEC. 2. That the seven hundred and seventy-
fourth section of said article, which authorises the
Mayor and City Council, to establish night watches
or patrols, and erect lamps, the seven hundred and
seventy-fifth, seven hundred seventy-sixth and
seven hundred and seventy-seventh sections of said
article, which authorise the Mayor and City Coun-
cil to appoint, pay and arm the police of said city,
and protect the said police in the discharge of their
duty, be and the same are hereby repealed, and
that the following sections be inserted in said arti-
cle as a substitute for and lieu of the said sections
so repealed.
Board of
SEC. 3. There shall be, and is hereby estab-
lished, within and for the city of Baltimore, a board
of police, to be called the Board of Police of the
city of Baltimore, to consist of four Commis-
sioners, as is hereinafter provided, together with
the Mayor of said city for the time being, or who-
soever may be lawfully acting in that capacity; the
said commissioners shall be citizens of the United
States, and shall have been residents of said city
for the period of twelve months next preceding
their appointment; they shall, except as hereinaf-
ter specified, hold their offices for four years, and
until their respective successors shall have been ap-
pointed and qualified, and shall receive each a sal-
ary of two thousand dollars per annum, payable
quarterly; before entering on the duties of their said
office, the said commissioners and the said Mayor
shall take and subscribe before the Judge of the
Superior Court of Baltimore City or the clerk there-
of, the oath or affirmation prescribed by the fourth
section of the first article of the Constitution, and
shall also take and subscribe before the same judge or
clerk the further oath or affirmation, that in any and
every appointment or removal to be by them made to
or from the police force created and to be organized
by them under this article, they will in no case and
under no pretext appoint or remove any policeman
or officer of police, or other person under them, for