CHAP. 386.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the property
which said corporation may hold and possess, shall
not exceed in value the sum of five hundred thou-
sand dollars.
by whom con-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all the affairs
and concerns of said Asylum, shall be managed by and
conducted under a board of not more than fifty trus-
tees, who shall be citizens of the State of Maryland,
Officers, &c.
the said board of trustees annually, from their own
body shall proceed to elect by ballot a president,
vice president and secretaries of said Asylum, who,
so long as they shall continue trustees of said Asy-
lum, shall hold their offices respectively during the
pleasure of the board of trustees; they shall also
annually elect a treasurer who shall hold office du-
ring the pleasure of the board, and shall in the
discretion of said board of trustees give such bond
for the faithful discharge of his duties as they may
deem proper, and said trustees may also appoint
from their own body or otherwise such other officers
and agents as may be necessary and proper for the
purposes of the institution; the said board of trus-
tees, shall always have the power to fill vacancies
in their own body caused by the death, resignation or
removal from the State of Maryland or otherwise,
of any trustee or trustees, and any trustee who
shall be absent four consecutive meetings of the
board may in the discretion of said board be deemed
and taken to have resigned, the said board shall
also have power to make all such by-laws not in-
consistent with the laws of this State, or of the
United States, as they may deem proper for the
management of the affairs of said Asylum, five of
the board of trustees shall constitute a quorum for
the transacting of business, all committees, physi-
cians, agents and officers authorised by this act or
by the by-laws of this Asylum, shall be appointed
by the board of trustees.
First board
of trustees.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That John Thomson
Mason, William Weber, Daniel Weisel, Richard
Potts, Washington Duvall, Jesse Warfield, J.
Edward Reynolds, John H. Price, Nicholas Brewer,
T. Watkins Ligon, C. C. Magruder, Thomas J.
Graham, W. B. Stone, James T. Blackistone, John
C. Groome, B. J. Eccleston, Richard B. Charmi-
chael, H. Fountain, C. C. Cox, Thomas H. Hicks,
J. W. Crisfield, Aza Spence, Alexandria Randall,
Richard Lee, A. J. Myers, Jacob Reese, Thomas