CHAP. 330.
termined, not exceeding fifty dollars per annum;
the said board shall make all such by-laws and
regulations as they may deem necessary for their
government, and shall transact no business involv-
ing an expenditure of any money unless a majori-
ty of the entire board be present; they shall have
power to divide the county into as many school dis-
tricts as they may deem necessary for public con-
venience, shall number and clearly define the metes
and bounds thereof, and from time to time create
new ones, as necessity may require, and shall hold
in trust for said county all the property set apart
for purposes of education belonging to the county,
and appropriate the same to the use of the public
schools, but shall not have the power to dispose of
said property without the consent of the county
commissioners of said county.
ment of the
school fund.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said board of
commissioners shall be commissioners of the school
fund of said county, and apportion equally among
the several school districts of the county the amount
of school fund the county shall be entitled to re-
ceive from the State, and the amount levied by the
Rules for
government of
the schools.
county commissioners; they shall prescribe rules
and regulations for the management and govern-
ment of said schools, setting forth the course of
studies to be observed, the character and kind of
books to be used, and such other rules as they may
think proper, and the register of said board shall
furnish each teacher a copy of said rules and regu-
lations, and the said board shall withhold payment
from any teacher who wilfully refuses or neglects to
observe the same.
Salary of
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That on or before the
levy is made for county purposes, the said board of
commissioners shall report to the county commis-
sioners of Calvert county the amount necessary, in
their judgment, when added to the school fund di-
vided from the State, to make the salary of each
teacher in the respective schools amount to three
hundred dollars, and also the amount necessary for
erecting and furnishing school-houses and other in-
cidental expenses, all of which shall be levied by
the said county commissioners; Provided, that the
amount estimated to be levied for the purpose afore-
said, shall in no year exceed ten cents on the one
hundred dollars.