CHAP. 10.
12th section.
That the following be a substitute for the twelfth
section of said article:
Notice to be
The sheriff of the several counties, under the
penalty of fifty dollars, shall, at least three weeks
previous to every election, cause public notice to be
given within their respective counties, by adver-
tisements set up at the most public places within
each district of the county, and also by advertise-
ment in two newspapers of general circulation in
the county, of the time and place of holding the
several elections.
13th section.
That the following be a substitute for the thir-
teenth section of said article:
Box to be
The sheriff shall under the penalty of five hun-
dred dollars, provide, or cause to be provided and
delivered to the judges of election in each district
previous to or at the commencement of each election
a box for receiving the ballots, and two separate
books for the purpose of entering the voters names.
14th section.
That the following be a substitute for the four-
teenth section of said article:
Hour of elec-
All elections shall commence at nine o'clock in
the morning of the respective days of election, and
shall continue without adjournment, and be closed
at six o'clock in the evening of the same day, and
no ballot shall be taken before said hour of nine
o'clock in the morning, nor after the said hour of
six o'clock in the evening; this section not to apply
to the city of Baltimore.
15th section.
That the following be a substitute for the fifteenth
section of said article:
The ballot.
Every voter shall deliver to the judge or judges
of election in the district or precinct in which he
offers to vote, a ballot in which shall be written or
printed the name or names of the person or persons
voted for, and the purpose for which the vote is
given, plainly designated, and the ballot so deliv-
ered in and received by the judge or judges of elec-
tion shall be deposited in the ballot box until the
poll be closed.
17th section.
That the following be a substitute for the seven-
teenth section of said article:
If any voter shall offer more than one ballot,
with a fraudulent design, he shall forfeit and pay