CHAP. 232.
courts for Saint Mary's, Calvert, Howard, Kent
and Baltimore counties.
and auction-
eer's fees.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the said board
of commissioners shall allow such constables and
such auctioneers as may be called by them into re-
quisition under the provisions of this act, such fees
as are usually allowed constables for serving of
writs and summons, and such fees as are usually
allowed auctioneers.
State's At-
torneys' fees.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the said board
of commissioners shall allow the State's Attorney
for all suits brought on any of the aforesaid bonds
such fees as are allowed by law as appearance fees.
Clerks' fees.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the clerks of the
Circuit courts for Saint Mary's, Calvert, Howard,
Kent and Baltimore counties shall be allowed for
the recording all bonds executed, and census taken
in pursuance of this act, such fees as are usually
allowed and charges for the recording of deeds.
ers' compen-
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the said board
of commissioners shall be allowed for their services
under the duties of this act a per diem of two dol-
lars for every clay they may be engaged in the exe-
cution thereof; Provided, however, they shall not
be allowed any compensation for any time that may
exceed thirty days in any one year.
Negroes ex-
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That this act shall
not apply to any free negress, nor free negro, nor
his wife, who shall possess in his or her own right
one hundred and fifty dollars of assessed property,
nor to any free negro, minor or adult, of either sex,
who may have a bona fide residence in the family of
Act to be ac-
cepted by the
his or her parents; Provided, said parents shall
possess in his or her own right fifty dollars of as-
sessed property for each of his or said children who
may have a bona fide residence in his or her family,
in addition to the one hundred and fifty dollars of
assessed property which is necessary to exempt him
or her from the provisions of this act.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That this act shall
not go into operation, nor take effect until it shall
be accepted by majority of the legal voters of Saint
Mary's, Calvert, Howard, Kent and Baltimore
counties, cast at the next general election for the
President and Vice President of the United States.
SEC, 18. And be it enacted, That it shall be the