stock and the evidence of said transfers; and to
pass all such by-laws as shall be necessary or proper
for exercising all the powers, rights and privileges
vested in said company, or in said managers, or for
the performance of the duties required of them by
this act; and the said by-laws from time to time to
alter or repeal, subject nevertheless to the revision
of the stockholders at a general meeting as herein-
before provided.
CHAP. 164.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said com-
pany are hereby invested with all the powers and
authorities necessary for the construction of a turn-
pike road, between the termini mentioned in the
first section of this act, to be constructed of such
materials as the president and board of managers,
chosen under the provisions of this act, shall direct,
which road shall be of the width of sixty feet, of
which at least eighteen feet shall be composed of
broken stone, gravel or other hard substance, with
good and sufficient bridges over any stream cross-
ing the same, and that the said road or roads shall
at all times be kept of same grade as the main bed
of the road.
Authorised to
turnpike road,
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the president
and managers of said company may agree with the
owners of land, for the purchase and occupation of
the land required for the said road, and also for the
purchase of stone, gravel, earth, or timber, required
in the construction thereof, and in all cases where
they are unable to agree with such owner or own-
ers, or where he or they shall be a feme covert, in-
fant, or non compos mentis, the said president, on
giving notice in writing of not less than twenty
days to the parties interested, may apply to a jus-
tice of the peace of Baltimore county, who shall
thereupon issue his warrant to the sheriff of said
county, commanding him to summon twenty disin-
terested persons, qualified to act as jurors, in the
Circuit court of Baltimore county, to meet upon the
land, and after four of the jurors so summoned are
stricken off the panel by the president of said com-
pany, or his agent, and four others by the person
or persons interested in said land or his or her
agent, or in the absence or refusal to strike off by
such persons or their agents, four to be stricken off
by the said sheriff, the said sheriff shall qualify the
twelve remaining jurors, either by oath or affirma-
tion, as the case may be, justly, truly and impar-
Land, &c., for
purposes of
the company
— how obtain-