the State of Maryland, by such, persons as the said
treasurer shall appoint to ascertain and report said
fact upon oath, then the said institution shall be
entitled to all the rights and powers, and subject to
all the liabilities, restrictions and conditions, that
are contained in the law of this State, passed at
January session, eighteen hundred and fifty-three,
chapter four hundred and forty-one, and entitled,
"an act to continue the corporate existence of the
several banking institutions therein mentioned. "
CHAP. 131.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That no person shall
hold more than three hundred shares of the capital
stock of the said institution.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said institu-
tion shall not issue notes for circulation to an amount
exceeding the capital stock paid in.
Issues not to
exceed capi-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That all parts of the
original act to which this is amendatory, which are
inconsistent with this amendment be and the same
are hereby repealed.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall
have no effect, unless the same be accepted by a ma-
jority in interest or value of the regular depositors
and stockholders of the said institution, represented
in person or by proxy, at a meeting to take place
on notice given by the president and directors of the
said institution, for two weeks at least, in two or
more daily newspapers of the city of Baltimore,
stating the object of the meeting to be the considera-
tion of the question of accepting this act.
Act to be of
no effect un-
less accepted
by stockhold-