exigency or circumstances may in their judgment
warrant it, the said board shall have the. power to
assume the control and command of all conserva-
tors of the peace in the city of Baltimore, whether
sheriff, constable, police or others, and they shall
act under the orders of said board, and not other-
CHAP. 7.
wise; and in case of the refusal of the said sheriff
or of any policeman, constable, or other peace officer
or persons to obey any lawful command of said
board, under the provisions of this section, they
shall respectively be liable to the penalties follow-
ing, that is to say: the said sheriff to a penalty of
five thousand dollars; any other peace officer to a
penalty of five hundred dollars; and any private
citizen to a penalty of one hundred and fifty dol-
lars; said penalties to be recoverable by said board,
by civil action, in the name of the State; and any
officer of any military force, in the city of Balti-
more, organized or existing under the laws of this
State, who, upon being called on by said board as
aforesaid, shall refuse or wilfully fail to call out the
force under his command, or to obey the directions
of said board, or to enforce, by all lawful means,
the performance of the duties to said force assigned,
shall be liable to a penalty of five hundred dollars;
and any inferior officer or private of such force who
shall refuse or wilfully fail to obey the summons or
order of his proper superior in such behalf issued,
shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred and fifty
dollars; such penalties to be recoverable as afore-
SEC. 14. So soon as the board created by this
article shall hold their first meeting, it shall be
their duty to inform the marshal or deputy mar-
shal of police in the city of Baltimore, (or chief or
second officer thereof, by whatever title designa-
ted, ) or both, that they require his or their attend-
ance upon them, and obedience to their orders,
which attendance and obedience the officers so no-
tified shall be bound respectively to give, under a
penalty of five hundred dollars each, to be recovered
by action at law, instituted by said board, in the
name of the State, for failure to attend as required,
and for each and every failure to obey the lawful
orders of said board then and thereafter, and from
and after the first meeting aforesaid, the whole
then existing police force in the city of Baltimore,
both officers and men, shall pass under the exclu-
First meet-