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Session Laws, 1950
Volume 587, Page 471   View pdf image (33K)
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intendent, with the rank of Colonel in the Department. He
shall be appointed by the Governor with the advice and con-
sent of the Senate. Said Superintendent shall be appointed
for a period of four years, and the term of his office shall run
for a period of four years from the first day of June follow-
ing his appointment. On June 30, 1950, the term of the
Superintendent in office shall terminate and the Governor
shall thereupon appoint a Superintendent who shall serve
from July 1, 1950, until May 31, 1951. After May 31, 1951,
the Superintendent shall be appointed in the manner and for
the term hereinbefore provided. Said Superintendent shall
be subject to removal by the Governor for official misconduct
or incompetency. Said Superintendent shall hold his office
until his voluntary resignation or removal by the Governor.
In the event the Superintendent is removed or resigns, the
Governor shall have power to appoint a Superintendent in
his place and stead, who shall hold office for the remainder of
the unexpired term of the Superintendent who resigns or
shall be removed from office.


(c) Salaries to be paid to police employees of the Depart-
ment shall be as follows:

Superintendent ..................... $[6,500.00] 7,500.00

Major ............................. 4,500.00

Captain ............................ 3,100.00

Lieutenant ......................... 2,800.00

Examining Physician ............... 2,500.00

Sergeant Major .................... 2,500.00

First Sergeant ..................... 2,300.00

Detective Sergeant ................. 2,300.00

Sergeant (Quartermaster) .......... 2,300.00

Sergeant Mechanic ................. 2,300.00

Sergeant ........................... 2,100.00

Corporal ........................... 2,000.00

Officer 1/c ......................... 1,900.00

Officer ............................. 1,800.00

Officer Probationer, 2nd year......... 1,700.00

Officer Probationer, 1st year......... 1,600.00

Any police employee receiving the salary hereinbefore
specified for the rank which he holds when this Act becomes
effective shall not have such salary reduced by reason of the
establishment of the salary schedule herein prescribed for
said rank, so long as he shall remain incumbent in that rank;
provided, however, that the holder of the title of Senior Cap-
tain shall receive the annual salary of $3,600.00.


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Session Laws, 1950
Volume 587, Page 471   View pdf image (33K)
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