shall register such Absentee Resident, and shall then safely
keep said Absentee Ballot and count and canvass the same
as provided in this sub-title. In primary elections, the ful-
fillment of requirements as to age and length of residence
set forth in (b), (c) and (d), shall be determined as of the
date of the general election for which said primary election
is held.
The signature of such Absentee Resident in subscribing
said oath shall be accepted in lieu of the customary signature
of voters in the registration books or cards; provided, how-
ever, that such Absentee Residents shall not be entitled to
be registered if said Board shall determine upon proof or
investigation that any of the material information contained
in said oath is not true. The names of all persons whom
the appropriate Boards determine are entitled to be regis-
tered under this sub-title shall be written on the appropriate
registration books or cards by the Clerks of the respective
Boards, or by election officials designated by said Boards,
and after each name shall be placed the letters "A. R.". In
addition, the other information usually placed on the regis-
tration books or cards shall be entered to the extent the same
is contained in said oath. Each Board shall retain for a
period of three years all oaths of Absentee Residents regis-
tered by them, and such oaths shall be considered the best
evidence of the facts recited therein in any contest involving
the validity of any registration here-under.
When properly registered under this sub-title, an Absen-
tee Resident shall continue as a registered voter to the same
extent and for the same period he would be registered had
he appeared in person and been registered under the pro-
visions of the election laws of Maryland, exclusive of this
141. No honorably discharged Absentee Resident, referred
to in sub-section (d) of Section 130 of this sub-title, who has
been discharged more than one month before the last registra-
tion day prior to an election, shall be entitled to register
under this sub-title. Any honorably discharged Absentee Resi-
dent, referred to in said sub-section (d), who has been dis-
charged later than one month before the last registration
day prior to an election, shall be entitled to register and
vote, if otherwise entitled to do so under this sub-title, and
if on or before election day, he delivers in person a written
application to the Board of his county or Baltimore City,
as the case may be, for a ballot, ballot envelope and instruc-
tions, and marks the ballot, executes the oath on the ballot
envelope before any member of the Board, who shall take the
oath and witness the same, and leaves said ballot envelope,
with the ballot enclosed and sealed therein, with the Board
at its regular office. Thereafter the Board shall follow the
same procedure as to ballot envelope and ballots cast by any