(Senate Bill 3)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section
8 of Article 15A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1947
Supplement), title "Budget and Procurement", sub-title
"Budgetary Administration", eliminating the provision re-
quiring a copy of all Budget amendments to be furnished
each member of the General Assembly.
WHEREAS,, the amendment to the Budget law requiring a
copy of all budget amendments made by the several depart-
ments, with the approval of the Governor, to be furnished
each member of the General Assembly resulted in the pub-
lication of these amendments in both the House and Senate
Journals of the 1947 session, amounting to 555 Pages; and
WHEREAS, most of these amendments were very minor in
nature and cost several thousand dollars to have printed; and
WHEREAS, the law already requires that a copy of all
these amendments be made available during the sessions of
the General Assembly and a copy is always available in the
office of the State Comptroller, thereby making the publica-
tion of all of the amendments a seemingly unnecessary ex-
pense; now therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 8 of Article 15A of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1947 Supplement), title "Budget and Pro-
curement," sub-title "Budgetary Administration", be and it
is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read
as follows:
8. The items and amounts making up the appropriations
in any budget bill, supplementary appropriation bill or bond
issue bill shall represent the initial plan of disbursement and
apportionment of the appropriations of which they are part.
Each appropriation shall be paid out only in accordance with
the schedule therefor, unless such schedule be amended, within
the limits of such appropriation, in the following manner:
The Senate may by resolution provide for or authorize the
amendment of its schedule.
The House of Delegates may by resolution provide for or
authorize the amendment of its schedule.
The Governor may himself make an amended schedule, if
the same be necessary, with respect to the appropriations for
the Executive Department, and upon its transmission to the
Comptroller the appropriation for such department shall be
paid out in accordance with such amended schedule.