crimes, as they existed before June 1, 1943, with respect to
the right of challenge or with respect to the fees in criminal
cases, or to make any crime infamous, by reason of any sen-
tence to the Maryland Penitentiary, or transfer thereto, which
would not have been an infamous crime before June 1, 1943;
and it is further provided that nothing in this section shall be
construed to prevent any Court from committing any minor
to any industrial school or juvenile reformatory to which
minors may now be committed under existing law, or from
committing any female offender to the Women's Prison, as
authorized by Chapter 71 of the Acts of the General Assembly
of 1941.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That a new section be
and the same is hereby added to Article 27 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), title "Crimes and Punish-
ments", sub-title "Department of Correction", the said new
section to follow immediately after Section 788, to be known
as Section 788A, and to read as follows:
788A. Promptly after the admission of any person to any
of the State penal institutions subject to the control of the
Board of Correction, it shall be the duty of the Warden or
Superintendent of said institution, under such regulations as
shall be established by the Board of Correction, to assemble
the necessary information and prepare an adequate case
record of each inmate, which shall include a description of the
offender, his family history, previous record, a summary of the
facts of the case for which he is serving sentence and the re-
sults of his physical, mental and educational examination,
which shall be conducted as soon after admission to the in-
stitution as feasible. From the information so assembled,
each inmate shall be classified and assigned to such available
treatment, training or employment as may be deemed appro-
priate, and, to this end, the Board of Correction shall exercise
liberally the powers of transfer conferred by the preceding
section of this Article, it being intended that each prisoner
sentenced to any of the penal institutions subject to the con-
trol of the Board of Correction shall be assigned or transferred,
as expeditiously as possible, to such treatment, training and
employment as will, in the judgment of said Board, improve
discipline or aid in the safekeeping, treatment, training, em-
ployment and preparation of said offender for parole or re-
lease upon the expiration of his sentence. It shall be the
further duty of the Warden or Superintendent of the respec-
tive institutions, under regulations established by the Board
of Correction, to keep and preserve adequate records of the
conduct, effort and progress of each inmate during confine-
ment, and copies of the case and institutional records, or