gany County, the County Commissioners shall appoint
three constables at large for two trial magistrates who
sit for the trial of cases in the City of Cumberland; one of
said constables shall receive an annual salary of eighteen
hundred dollars ($1, 800. 00), one shall receive an annual sal-
ary of fifteen hundred dollars ($1, 500. 00), and one shall
receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars
($1, 200. 00), in lieu in each case of all criminal costs and
fees, and the County Commissioners of Allegany County
may appoint additional constables at large for trial magis-
trates in said County and provide for the compensation of
such constables either by the fees prescribed by law or by
such annual salary in lieu of fees, as the County Commis-
sioners, in their discretion, may determine; provided, how-
ever, that the provisions of this Section shall not apply
to the counties of Frederick, Carroll, Montgomery, Wi-
comico, Prince George's, Harford, Cecil and Calvert.
In Anne Arundel County, the County Commissioners are
hereby authorized to appoint not more than three (3)
Trial Magistrate Constables to be paid such salary and
expenses as may be provided in the County Budget.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1943.
Approved March 29, 1943.
(Senate Bill 244)
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 72 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), title "Oysters, "
sub-title "Oyster Culture, " said new section to be known
as Section 127A, to follow immediately after Section 127,
relating to the manner in which oysters may be taken
in certain localities.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new section be and it is hereby added to
Article 72 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edi-
tion), title "Oysters, " sub-title "Oyster Culture, " said new
section to be known as Section 127A, to follow immediately
after Section 127, and to read as follows:
127A. Any person or persons having complied with the
requirements of Section 127 of this Article may take