Cash Disbursements from the State Treasury During the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1942
Acts of
Loan and
Other Funds
Chapter No.
Commissioners on Uniform State Laws................
938 of 1941
$ 667. 82
$ 667. 82
Department of Legislative Reference......................
' '
5, 823. 74
5, 823. 74
17, 753. 96
17, 753. 96
Board of Public Works............................................
4 «
8, 447. 37
$ 111. 13
8, 558. 50
Executive Department — Governor.........................
1 '
65, 171. 0'0
868. 75
66, 039. 75
Secretary of State.....................................................
' '
16, 647. 94
100. 00
16, 747. 94
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles..............................
« «
379, 711. 57
379, 711. 57
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles:
Fine Refunds........................................................
' '
4, 132. 75
4, 132. 75
Inspection of Motor Vehicles..............................
1 <•
3, 297. 86
3, 297. 86
License Refunds..................................................
1 «
93, 547. 11
93, 547. 11
' *
15, 250. 00
15, 250. 00
Reimbursement to Counties for Trial Magis-
trates' Expenses..............................................
' '
80, 422. 00
80, 422. 00
1 1.
50. 00
50. 00
Comptroller of the Treasury....................................
' '
401, 022. 07
1, 695. 78
402, 717. 85
Comptroller of the Treasury:
Gasoline Tax Division..........................................
1 '
30, 905. 27
30, 905. 27
Income Tax Refunds............................................
' «
75, 372. 22
75, 372. 22
Department of Budget and Procurement................
' '
68, 410. 35
247. 96
68, 658. 31
Employees' Retirement System...............................
1 '
231, 911. 00
231, 911. 00
Hall" of Records Commission....................................
1 '
27, 840. 60
116. 00
27, 956. 60
Maryland State Planning Commission....................
< «
10, 250. 22
60. 39
10, 310. 61
State Auditor............................................................
1 '
62, 484. 58
204. 80
62, 689. 38
State Employees' Retirement System....................
• '
38, 192. 82
38, 192. 82
State Employment Commissioner............................
1 <
33, 416. 32
127. 50
33, 543. 82
State Tax Commission..............................................
1 «
56, 827. 83
13, 404. 29
70, 232. 12
State Treasurer........................................................
« '
170, 844. 08
48, 169. 29
219, 013. 37
Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds.
< '
87, 112. 61
213. 81
87, 326. 42