Public Assistance Fund to Needy Blind — Recoveries....................
73. 45
73. 45
State Accident Fund..........................................................................
833, 344. 98
833, 344. 38
State Department of Public Welfare — Assistance Division
Special Fund.................................................................................
560. 98
560. 98
State Fund for Services to Crippled Children.................................
53, 747. 50
53, 747. 50
State Roads Commission Refunding and Improvement Bond
Issue of 1941.................................................................................
9, 008, 286. 10
9, 008, 286. 10
State Roads Commission Refunding and Improvement Bond
Issue of 1941 Debt Service Reserve Fund..................................
630, 000. 00
630, 000. 00
Unemployment Compensation Board Fund......................................
428, 024. 76
428, 024. 76
University of Maryland Fund...........................................................
3, 997. 50
3, 997. 50
Women's Prison Revolving Fund.....................................................
1, 848. 07
1, 848. 07
Return of Advances by Departments:
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles..................................................
$18, 000. 00
18, 000. 00
Comptroller of the Treasury.........................................................
320. 00
320. 00
Department of Tidewater Fisheries..............................................
3, 000. 00
3, 000. 00
Maryland State Employment Service............................................
500. 00
500. 00
Maryland State Guard...................................................................
55, 500. 00
55, 500. 00
, Military Department.....................................................................
6, 500. 00
6, 500. 00
Cancellation of Checks Outstanding..................................................
143. 04
143. 04
Civil Commissions Tax......................................................................
4, 880. 15
4, 880. 15
Distributions Account of Impounded Funds.....................................
20, 421. 72
431. 67
20, 853. 39
9. 90
9. 90
Guaranty Settlements Account of Impounded Funds......................
5, 879. 24
5, 879. 24
Miscellaneous Appropriations Account No. 2..................................
3, 015. 82
3, 015. 82
Miscellaneous Appropriations Account No. 3..................................
1, 611. 94
1, 611. 94
Motor Vehicle Fuel Registration......................................................
7. 00
7. 00
Rent of State Wharves.....................................................................
2, 000. 00
2, 000. 00
Sale of State Property.....................................................................
10. 00
10. 00
Tax on Distilled Spirits....................................................................
1, 470. 12
1, 470. 12
Unapportioned Proceeds from Sale of Western Maryland Trust
Company Stock.............................................................................
180. 00
180. 00
Total........................................................................... !
$27, 070, 550. 73
| $27, 882, 304. 22
$23, 456, 052. 42
$83, 820. 00
$78, 492, 727. 37