1964 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [CH. 1008
flood control within the District, to condemn land and ease-
ments which may be necessary in the construction of levees
and other flood control works, the condemnation proceedings
to be in accordance with the provisions of Article 33A of the
Annotated Code of Maryland. The said Commission is hereby
authorized to assume all damages incident to any flood control
works or improvements which it may be found necessary to
construct, except damages to land and easements of railroads
or other public utilities. The said Commission shall also have
power to agree to furnish, without cost to the United States
or any agency thereof, all lands and easements which may be
needed in the construction of any flood control works or im-
provements and shall have power to agree to take over, operate
and maintain such works when constructed.
XVI. The members of the Commission and its staff are
hereby authorized to engage in civilian defense or other de-
fense activities incident to the present war under the direction
of, or in cooperation with, federal, state or county agencies
having charge of such defense activities, and to continue to
engage in such activities, for the period of the present emer-
gency and until this authority is revoked by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland.
SECTION 3. And be it further enacted, That if any clause, sen-
tence, part or parts of this Act, vor of any section thereof shall
be held unconstitutional, such unconstitutionality shall not
affect the) validity of the remaining part of this Act or of any
section thereof. The Legislature hereby declares that it would
have passed the remaining parts of this Act or any section
thereof, if it had known such clause, sentence, part or parts of
any section thereof should be declared unconstitutional.
SECTION 4. And be it further enacted, That except as other-
wise provided herein, all Acts and parts of Acts, laws and
parts of laws, ordinances and parts of ordinances, inconsistent
herewith or contrary hereto, be and the same are hereby re-
pealed to the extent of such inconsistency.
SECTION 5. And be it further enacted, That nothing herein
contained shall be construed to affect or impair the validity or
obligation of any bonds, notes or certificates heretofore issued
and sold by the Commission under any previous statute
amended or repealed by this Act, but all such bonds, notes, or
certificates are hereby ratified and confirmed as the "valid and
binding obligations of the Commission in accordance with the
terms thereof, issued upon the full faith and credit of said
Commission and of the county or counties guaranteeing the