spigots or hydrants, toilets and waste drains with said water
main or sewer within the time prescribed by the Commission.
Where the aforesaid fixtures do not exist, or are of the nature
which, in the judgment of the Commission, is improper or
inadequate, satisfactory equipment shall be installed by the
owner on the premises consisting of at least one water closet
and one sink or wash basin, both of which shall be properly
connected with the sewer of said Metropolitan Commission.
All cesspools, sink drains and privies located on properties
connected to water mains or sewers ^provided by the Commis-
; sion shall be abandoned, closed, and left in a sanitary condi-
tion so that no odor nor nuisance shall arise therefrom. Any
violation of the provisions of this section shall be a misde-
meanor punishable under Section 21 of this sub-title.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That before any plumb-
ing, water works or sewer construction is done in any building
or upon any private property within any sub-district the per-
, son, the firm or corporation doing the same shall first obtain
. a permit from the Commission and pay therefor such reason-
able sum as the Commission may prescribe Such work shall
be done under and pursuant to such rules, regulations and
requirements as the Commission may from time to time formu-
late, and subject to such inspection as it may deem necessary.
No connection of any kind shall be made with any water main
or sewer constructed of maintained by the Commission without
a permit and under such conditions as the Commission may
authorize. In order to prevent waste of water the Commis-
sion or its agents or employees shall have the right of entry
at reasonable hours to all buildings or premises connected with
the water supply or sewerage systems under its jurisdiction,
and may, upon presenting proper credentials from the Commis-
sion, order and require such changes in all plumbing, water
works or water or sewer connection as it may deem necessary
to eliminate leakage, loss of water or unnecessary or improper
use of sewers. The said Commission shall exercise control of
the water supply at all times, and in case of a shortage of
water, or if for any other reason the Commission, in the exer-
cise of its discretion, should determine that the water supply
should be conserved, the consumers, upon notice from said
Commission, its agents or employees, or upon notice published
in one newspaper published in said County for one insertion,
shall comply with any order passed by said Commission to
conserve the water supply. Any violation of said order shall
be a misdemeanor punishable under Section 21 of this sub-
title; and in addition to the penalty prescribed the Commis-
; sion may turn off said water supply of any person violating