mission's decision and decide as to the necessity and propriety
of the improvement contemplated and whether the district
can stand the cost of the same; and the decision of the County
Commissioners shall be final.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of
providing funds for the design, construction, establishment,
purchase or condemnation of water supply, sewerage and drain-
age systems in any of the sub-districts, said Commission is
authorized and empowered to issue bonds, from time to time
upon the faith and credit of Howard County, in such amounts
as it may deem to be necessary to carry on its work, but at no
time shall the total issue of bonds in any sub-district for all
purposes under this Act exceed ten per centum of the total
value of the property assessed for County taxation purposes
within said sub-district. Said bonds shall either be registered
or coupon bonds in such denominations as shall be determined
by the Commission, shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding
five per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall
mature in not more than thirty years after date of issue and
shall be forever exempt from State, City and County taxation.
They shall be issued under the signature and seal of the Com-
mission and shall be guaranteed as to payment of principal
and interest by the County Commissioners of Howard County,
which guarantee shall be endorsed on each of said bonds in
the following language: "The payment of interest when due
and the principal at maturity is guaranteed by Howard
County, Maryland. " Such endorsement shall be signed on each
of said bonds by the President and by the Clerk of the Board
of County Commissioners of said County within ten days after
the bonds are presented by the Commission to them for endorse-
ment. At any time prior to the issuance of any such bonds the
County Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to
loan to the Commission, or any person, bank or corporation
may loan to said Commission on notes or other evidence of
indebtedness a sum not exceeding Five Thousand Dollars
(f5, 000. 00), which shall be repaid out of the first available
moneys derived from the sale of the first bonds issued there-
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of
retiring the bonds authorized to be issued by this Act and of
paying the interest thereon, the Commission shall cause to be
levied, against all assessable property within said sub-districts
for which said bonds have been issued, by the County Com-
missioners of Howard County annually so long as any of said
bonds are outstanding and not paid, a tax sufficient to provide
such sum, if any, as the Commission may deem sufficient and