respective counties; and Police Magistrates selected to sit at
the respective station houses in the City of Baltimore shall
have concurrent jurisdiction over such offense with the Crim-
inal Court of Baltimore City.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1943.
Approved March 18, 1943.
(Senate Bill 224)
AN ACT to provide for the conditional release from cer-
tain penal institutions by the Governor of Maryland of
prisoners, who may be found to possess the necessary
qualifications, in order to meet shortages of labor affect-
ing any agency, commission, department, institution or
other employing authority of the State or of any political
sub-division thereof because of the present war between
the United States of America and Germany, Japan and
Italy, and to prescribe the method and extent of making
such releases and employing such prisoners.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That, whenever the appointing authority of any
agency, commission, department, institution or other em-
ploying authority of the State of Maryland, or of the City
of Baltimore, shall make requisition upon the Commis-
sioner of State Employment and Registration, or of the
City Service Commission, as the case may be, for the cer-
tification of persons eligible to fill a vacancy in any posi-
tion in the classified or unclassified service and said Com-
missioner, or said City Service Commission, is unable,
upon the receipt of such requisition to make such certifica-
tion because of a shortage of (available manpower during
the present emergency, said appointing authority shall
be authorized to advise the Director of Parole and Proba-
tion of the vacancy so existing and to request him to deter-
mine if, among the inmates of any penal institutions of the
State, there may be found persons who are otherwise
qualified for conditional release and are capable of filling
such vacancy, provided, however, that in the case of any
such applications preference shall be given by the Director
of Parole and Probation to applications made by hospitals.