122. The County Commissioners of Frederick County
are authorized and directed to levy on the assessable
property of Frederick County for the year 1944 and
annually thereafter the sum of $7, 450 to be paid on
or before the first day of January, 1945, and annually
thereafter on or before the first day of January in
each and every year; $500 of said sum to the Treasurer
of the Independent Hose Company of Frederick, $500 of
said sum to the Treasurer of the Junior Steam Fire Engine
Company of Frederick, $500 of said sum to the Treasurer
of the United Steam Fire Engine Company of Frederick,
$800 of said sum to the Treasurer of the Brunswick Volun-
teer Fire Company of Brunswick, $800 of said sum to the
Treasurer of the Vigilant Hose Company of Emmitsburg,
$700 of said sum to the Treasurer of the Guardian Hose
Company of Thurmont, $700 of said sum to the Treasurer
of the Middletown Volunteer Fire Company, $700 of said
sum to the Treasurer of the Walkersville Volunteer Fire
Company, $200 of said sum to the Treasurer of the Mt. Airy
Fire Company, $200 of said sum to the Treasurer of the
Braddock Heights Volunteer Fire Company of Braddock
Heights, $450 of said sum to the Treasurer of the New
Midway Fire Company of New Midway, $700 of said sum
to the Treasurer of the Myersville Volunteer Fire Com-
pany of Myersville, $200 of said sum to the Treasurer of
the Blue Ridge Summit Fire Company, and $500
of said sum to the Treasurer of the Citizens Truck Com-
pany of Frederick, the said sums to be applied by the re-
spective companies for their maintenance and support.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1943.
Approved April 30, 1943.
(Senate Bill 213)
AN ACT to propose an amendment to Article IV of the
Constitution of Maryland, title "Judiciary Department",
amending Section 5 (under sub-title "Part I—General
Provisions"), Section 14 (under sub-title "Part II—
Court of Appeals")? and Section 21 (under sub-title
"Part III—Circuit Courts"), and adding a new section,
to follow Section 18 (under sub-title "Part II—Court of
Appeals") and to be designated Section ISA; providing