Section 526 and said new Section to be known as Section
526A; providing that it shall be a misdemeanor to inter-
fere with the lawful production, transportation, delivery,
acceptance or distribution of perishable food products in
intra-state commerce.
(Vetoed. )
(Senate Bill 169)
AN ACT to add a new sub-section to Section 5 of Article
73B of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition),
title "Pensions, " sub-title "Benefits, " as said section was
enacted by Chapter 377 of the Acts of 1941, said new
sub-section to be known as Sub-section (1A), and to
follow immediately after Sub-section 1 of said Section,
providing for the retention or reinstatement in service,
during the present war, of State employees over seventy
(70) years of age.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new sub-section be and it is hereby added
to Section 5 of Article 73B of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1939 Edition), title "Pensions, " sub-title "Benefits, "
as said section was enacted by Chapter 377 of the Acts
of 1941, said new sub-section to be known as Sub-section
(1A), to follow immediately after Sub-section 1 of said
Section, and to read as follows:
(1A). Any member in service who is not an elected
or appointed official of the State and who attains the age
of seventy (70) years during the present war, and any
retired employee who was not an elected or appointed offi-
cial of the State, and who was in service on January 1,
1942, may remain, or be reinstated, in service after attain-
ing such age, if in the opinion of his department head he is
capable of performing the duties of his position and if his
department head gives notice in writing to the Board of
Trustees of intention to retain or reinstate such person
in service, but the service of such person shall continue
only during the present war, or to any earlier time at which
he may voluntarily retire or at which the department head
may determine that the employee is no longer needed in