(Senate Bill 338)
AN ACT to add 12 new sections to Article 39A of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), title "For-
estry", said new sections to be under a new sub-title
"Forest Conservancy Districts", said new sections to be
known as Sections 53 to 64, inclusive, of said Article, to
follow immediately after Section 52 relating to the estab-
lishment of State sub-divisions known as Forest Con-
servancy Districts and Governing Boards and relating
to co-operative land use measures.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That 12 new sections be and they are hereby
added to Article 39A of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1939 Edition), title "Forestry", said new sections to be
under a new sub-title "Forest Conservancy Districts",
said new sections to be known as Sections 53 to 64, inclu-
sive, of said Article, to follow immediately after Section
52 and all to read as follows:
Forest Conservancy Districts.
53. Forests, timberlands, woodlands and soil resources
of the State of Maryland are basic assets, and the proper
use, development and preservation of these resources are
necessary to protect and promote the health, safety and
general welfare of the people of the State. It is hereby
declared to be the policy of the State to encourage economic
management and scientific development of its forest and
woodlands to maintain, conserve and improve the soil
resources of the State to the end that an adequate source
of forest products be preserved for the people. Floods and
soil erosion must be prevented and the natural beauty of
the State be preserved, wild life be protected, development
of recreational interests be encouraged and the fertility
and productivity of the soil be maintained, the impairment
of reservoirs and dams be prevented, the tax rate be pre-
served and the welfare of the people of the State be sus-
tained and promoted. Where such interests can be served
through co-operative efforts of private forest land owners,
with the assistance of the State, it is declared to be the
policy of the State to encourage, assist and guide private
ownership in the management and fullest economic devel-
opment of such privately owned forest lands. Conversely,
where the public interests above enumerated cannot be
served and adequately protected under private ownership,