(Senate Bill 465)
AN ACT to add a new sub-title and eight new sections to
Article 41 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1939
Edition), title, "Governor-Executive and Administrative
Departments", said new sub-title to be known as "Mary-
land Council of Defense", and said new sections to be
known as Sections 130-A, 130-B, 130-C, 130-D, 130-E,
130-F, 130-G, and 130-H, and to follow immediately
after Section 130 of said Article; creating the "Mary-
land Council of Defense", naming the original members
of said Council, prescribing its powers and duties; pro-
viding for the payment of the expenses of said Council,
and authorizing the expenditure by said Council of such
sums as may be appropriated to said Council; and re-
pealing Chapter 24 of the Acts of the Extraordinary
Session of 1917.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new sub-title and eight new sections
be, and they are hereby added to Article 41 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), title, "Governor-
Executive and Administrative Departments", said new
sub-title to be known as "Maryland Council of Defense",
and said new sections to be known as Sections 130-A,
130-B, 130-C, 130-D, 130-E, 130-F, 130-G, and 130-H, to
follow immediately after Section 130 of said Article, and
to read as follows:
130-A. The Maryland Council of Defense, hereinafter
designated as the "Council", is hereby created, and the
following shall comprise the original membership of said
Council: Governor Herbert R. O'Conor, Attorney General
William C. Walsh, G. M. Armor, Robert O. Bonnell, Isaiah
Bowman, Rodney J. Brooks, Howard Bruce, H. Clifton
Byrd, Walter B. Galloway, S. J. Cort, Charles A. Cummins,
Dr. J. M. T. Finney, J. Blaine Fitzgerald, Sylvan H.
Lauchheimer, Glenn L. Martin, George M. Moffett, Carl
Murphy, Joseph P. McCurdy, John McNulty, Henry W.
Price, General Milton A. Reckord, W. Frank Roberts,
William M. Storm, Phillip C. Turner, Mrs. John L. White-
hurst and Ezra B. Whitman. The Governor shall desig-
nate the Chairman of said Council, shall fill all vacancies
on said Council however occurring, and shall have the
power to increase the membership of said Council from
time to time to a total of not more than forty, and to
appoint all new members. The Attorney General of Mary-