provides, or may suspend sentence and place on probation,
and by order impose upon such adult such duty as shall
be deemed to be for the best interests of the child or other
persons concerned. If an adult is charged with an offense
for which he is entitled to a trial by jury, and if he shall
so demand, he shall be committed or bailed pending the
b. Any person contributing toward, encouraging, caus-
ing or committing any act or omission tending to cause
the delinquency, dependency or neglect of any child as
hereinbefore defined, or any person charged by law with
the care and support or maintenance of any such child and
who wilfully fails, neglects or refuses to care for, support
or maintain such child or abandons such child, or any
person who shall advise, encourage or cause by forcefully
taking, inducing or otherwise, any child to leave the per-
son, home, school or institution to which such child* shall
have been committed by said Magistrate, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction or pleading
guilty thereof, shall be fined not more than $500. 00 or
imprisonment in the Maryland House of Correction for a
term not exceeding two years or be both fined and im-
prisoned in the discretion of the Magistrate or Court try-
ing the offense, and each day of such failure, neglect or
refusal shall constitute a separate offense; provided, how-
ever, that the accused may demand a jury trial and be
committed or bailed pending the same. Any person plead-
ing guilty, tried, convicted and sentenced under this act
for the abandonment of, or for the neglect of, or failure
to maintain or support a child, may be sentenced as here-
inbefore stated, or may, in lieu thereof, be paroled on such
terms as said Magistrate (or as the Circuit Court for said
County, if the case be before said Court) may deem proper,
the performance of said terms to be secured by the deten-
tion of the offender or by a recognizance entered into by
or on his or her behalf, as said Magistrate or said Court
may adjudge.
570. Appointment and removal of Probation Officer.
The Magistrate for Juvenile Cases shall appoint a Pro-
bation Officer, who may be either male or female, who
shall be paid in monthly installments, two-thirds by the
County Commissioners of Washington County, and one-
third by the Mayor and City Council of Hagerstown, a
salary to be fixed by said Magistrate for Juvenile Cases,
not exceeding Fifteen Hundred Dollars per annum, and
said Probation Officer may be removed by said Magistrate
at his discretion. It shall be the duty of the Probation
Officer to inform himself or herself when any child is to