Fairs or Agricultural Exhibitions and are held in compli-
ance with all the provisions of this Article.
Each licensee under the provisions of this section shall
pay to the County Treasurer of the County in which such
fair or exhibit is held a fee of $50 for each day of said
meeting, to be deposited to the credit of such county.
Each licensee under the provisions of this section shall
annually provide and set aside the sum of $5, 000 in pre-
miums for bona fide live stock and agricultural exhibits.
In the event that any part of said sum of $5, 000 is not
claimed by exhibitors, the unexpended balance shall be paid
to the Racing Commission for the use of the State.
15. In addition to all fees, premiums, taxes or other
payments required by law, each licensee under the provi-
sions of the preceding-section shall pay to the Racing Com-
mission for the use of the State, within five days after the
close of the last meeting held during the year 1941, and
during each calendar year thereafter, an annual tax at the
rate of 2% on all money wagered, over and above the
sum of $500, 000, on all races conducted by it during each
such year. Each such licensee shall likewise pay to the
Racing Commission for the use of the State an additional
licensee fee or tax of 5 % of its net revenue
from all sources whatsoever during the calendar
year, as shown in a sworn statement to be submitted to
and approved by the Commission. For the purpose of
enforcing the provisions of this section the Commission
shall have and exercise all of the powers conferred upon
it by Sections 11 and 12 of this Article. All sums col-
lected by the Racing Commission under the provisions of
this Act shall be paid over to the Comptroller, who shall
place the same in a special fund for the use of the State
Fair Board, to the extent of its appropriations in the
Budget, exclusive of appropriations from special funds.
Any excess of receipts over and above the receipts so
appropriated shall be credited to the general funds of the
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That Sections 18,
19 and 20 of Article 2A of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1939 Edition), title "Agriculture", sub-title "Agri-
cultural Fair Associations", be and the same are hereby
repealed, and a new section be enacted, to be known as
Section 18, to follow immediately after Section 17 of said
sub-title, and to read as follows:
18. It shall be the function of the Board to encourage
and foster agriculture in this State through promotion