expenses and costs, with which such taxpayer may be
156Q. When land or personal property is in the hands
of a Fiduciary in the Orphans' Court or Equity Court, and
the taxes thereon are in arrears, under the provisions of
this sub-title, the Treasurer of Kent County shall enforce
the payment of such taxes in the same manner as if such
land and personal property were not in the hands of a
156R. All notices and advertisements required by this
sub-title may be published in at least two newspapers pub-
lished in said county.
156S. It shall be the duty of the County Treasurer to
finish the collection of all State and County taxes due and
payable during his term of office, and whenever the term
of office of the County Treasurer shall expire before he
shall have collected all said taxes, it shall be the duty of
said County Treasurer, and he is hereby authorized, em-
powered and required to proceed at the time and in the
manner hereinbefore provided by advertisement and sale,
to complete the collection of all unpaid taxes due and pay-
able during his term of office; provided, that it shall be
mandatory that he conclude all such proceedings within
the period of twelve months from and after the date of
the expiration of his said term of office; said County
Treasurer, however, shall receive no compensation for the
services required of him under the provisions of this Sec-
tion rendered after the expiration of his term of office.
156T. In case of a vacancy by death, resignation, re-
fusal to serve or failure to qualify, or give bond, or by
disqualification, or removal from the County of any
treasurer appointed or elected under this sub-title, the
County Commissioners shall appoint a person to be County
Treasurer for the remainder of the official term. All books,
papers, documents and accounts belonging to the office of
County Treasurer are the property of Kent County, and
at all times subject to examination by said County Com-
missioners or any of them.
156U. The County Commissioners of Kent County, may
for neglect of duty, misconduct in office, removal from
county, or for inefficiency in the discharge of the duties
of his office, remove the Treasurer of Kent County after
charges, in writing, have been preferred against such offi-
cial, and evidence as to the same has been heard, and the