due and in arrears, interest, costs and charges as per the
annexed account, and have you those sums (after due
advertisement, notice and sale, if such shall be necessary)
to render unto the undersigned the taxes due and in ar-
rears, interest, costs and charges aforesaid within........................
days from the date hereof; and for so doing, this shall be
your sufficient authority.
Given under my hand this.............................. day of..............................
County Treasurer for Kent County,
State of Maryland, ";
and to the warrant the County Treasurer shall cause to be
annexed an account showing the amount of taxes due and
in arrears and the interest due thereon, and all costs and
charges accrued and to accrue in the collection thereof,
whereupon the party to whom the warrant is directed shall
immediately seize and take actual possession of sufficient
personal property of the party against whom the warrant
is directed and cause to be made the total amount due, by
selling said personal property, if necessary, in the manner
set forth in this Section.
156N. Whenever personal property assessed in Kent
County to any person, persons, firm of body corporate is
about to be sold or removed from said County, or the
County Treasurer is reliably informed or verily believes
said personal property is about to be sold or removed, said
County Treasurer may, at any time after the levy of taxes
for any year shall have been made by the County Commis-
sioners, make out a bill for the taxes in the usual form
and shall enforce in person or by his bailiff, agent, deputy,
sheriff or constable by distraint, levy, execution or attach-
ment the payment of the taxes so levied against said
personal property about to be sold or removed from said
county in the manner as provided in Section 156M; and
for the purpose of this section all taxes on personal prop-
erty about to be sold or removed from said Kent County
shall be taken to be due and in arrears from the date of
levy of said taxes.
156-0. The said County Treasurer shall be entitled to
receive a commission of five per centum on the amount of
all sales made by him in pursuance of the provisions of
this sub-title, to be computed and charged as part of the
expenses of such sales; and if before a sale but after
advertisement as aforesaid, the taxes, interest and expenses
chargeable to any property are paid, then the said County