amount of the purchase money originally bid therefor, the
Court may order and direct the difference to be paid by
the said purchaser, and enforce such order by execution.
156-1. In the event that any former or preceding County
Treasurer shall have failed, for any cause, to make a full
report of or to take any other proceedings that might be
required by law of any tax-sale or sales made by him to
the Circuit Court for Kent County, in Equity, as provided
for in this sub-title, then the present Treasurer or any
succeeding Treasurer is hereby authorized, empowered
and directed to make such report of said tax-sale or sales
to the Circuit Court for Kent County, in Equity, and take
such other proceedings therein as by law may be requisite
which the Treasurer making said tax sale or sales should
have done and was by law empowered and required so to
do, and the said Court shall have such power to ratify said
tax sale or sales in the same manner as if said sale or sales
had been reported by the Treasurer making the same, and
upon the final ratification by the Circuit Court for Kent
County, in Equity, of said tax sale or sales, the said present
Treasurer or any succeeding Treasurer is hereby author-
ized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver unto
the said purchaser or purchasers, at said tax sale or sales
made by such former or preceding Treasurer, a deed to
said property to the purchaser thereof, and such deed shall
be as good and valid in law as though it had been executed
by the Treasurer making said tax-sale or sales.
156J. The County Commissioners of Kent County are
hereby authorized and empowered, in their discretion, to
purchase any property for sale for the payment of taxes;
provided, they shall not bid a sum greater approximately
than the taxes in arrears upon said property and the inter-
est and expenses of sale and costs, and to sell at private
or public sale, and convey or lease the same, as in their
judgment and discretion shall be deemed best for the inter-
est of the County.
156K. Any sale of real estate by the County Treasurer,
when the owners are described as the heirs of a named
person, or when the owners are described in the name of
the life tenant, shall pass the title as fully and in fee simple
as if such heirs, or as if the reversioners or remaindermen,
were each named in the proceedings by his or their proper
name; and if the purchaser of any real estate sold by the
County Treasurer for payment of the taxes shall die with-
out having secured a deed therefor, the County Treasurer
or his successor shall convey the said real estate to the