of Article 81 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edi-
tion), title "Revenue and Taxes", be and the same are hereby
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That Sections 1 and 2
of Article 68 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edi-
tion), title "Notaries Public", be and the same are hereby
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
1. The Governor by and with the advice and consent of
the Senate, shall appoint and commission in his discretion
and judgment any number of persons male or female, of known
good character, and integrity and abilities, citizens of the
United States, and who have resided in this State two (2)
years previous to their appointment as notaries public for
the State of Maryland, to reside in such place or places as
the Governor shall in and by their respective commissions
No distinction shall be made between male or female appli-
cants, who shall take the oath of office before the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for each of the counties in the State, and the
Clerk of the Superior Court in Baltimore City, respectively,
and shall receive a commission signed by the Governor and
Secretary of State under the Great Seal of the State. They
shall pay the sum of five ($5) dollars for each commission so
issued, to the Treasury of the State of Maryland, and the fur-
ther sum of fifty (50c. ) cents to the Clerk for the registration
of the name and address of each of the said Notaries Public.
2. Each county of the State shall be entitled, on applica-
tion, to at least two notaries public, to be appointed as afore-
said by the governor; and in case of an appointment, on
application, during the recess of the legislature, the governor
shall submit said appointment to the senate for confirmation
or rejection, as in case of appointments to fill vacancies during
the recess of the legislature.
SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That if any one or more
sections, clauses, sentences or parts of this Act shall for any
reason be questioned in any court, and shall be adjudged
unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect,
impair or invalidate the remaining provisions thereof, but
shall be confined in its operation to the specific provisions
so held unconstitutional or invalid, and the inapplicability
or invalidity of any section, clause or provision of this Act
in any one or more instances shall not be taken to affect or
prejudice in any way its applicability or validity in any other
instance. And if any exemption or exception from any tax is