erty where said fire hazard appears and shall take precedence
over a mortgage or any other lien on said property.
100D. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons or cor-
porations to provide a place for betting or gaming purposes
or to bet, wager, or gamble in any manner or by any means, or
to make or sell pools within the corporate limits of the Town
of Bel Air, Maryland, on the result of any race or event of
any kind.
100E. The said Commissioners shall have power by ordi-
nance to provide for the punishment of any person, persons or
corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this
sub-title by a fine not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00)
in any one case, or imprisonment in the Harford County Jail
for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both.
100F. The Commissioners shall have authority to incur
indebtedness not exceeding five percent (5%) of the assessed
value of all property within the corporate limits, in excess of
the annual revenue of the Town, and shall, whenever any such
debt is created, provide for the payment thereof by the issuing
of certificates of indebtedness at such rate of interest as the
Commissioners may deem advisable, which shall be payable
within twenty (20) years, in the discretion of said Commis-
sioners; provided, however, that no such debt shall be incurred
and no such certificate of indebtedness issued except as fol-
lows: The Commissioners, shall, by ordinance passed by yeas
and nays, specify the particular purpose or purposes for which
the indebtedness is to be created, the amount, the rate of
interest and the manner of payment; they shall then provide
in said ordinance for submitting the question of the creation
of such debt to the resident taxpayers of the Town at a special
municipal election to be called by the Commissioners for that
purpose, notice of which shall be published in some news-
paper of general circulation therein once a week for two weeks
next preceding such election; the notice arid publication shall
recite the ordinance and describe the indebtedness to be cre-
ated. The ballots shall be printed "For the Debt", and
"Against the Debt". If two-thirds of the resident taxpayers
of the Town, so voting at such election, shall vote in favor of
the debt, and not otherwise, the Commissioners may incur
such debt and issue the amount of certificates of indebtedness
so specified.
100G. The Commissioners may issue certificates of indebted-
ness, bearing interest not to exceed in amount the annual
revenue of the Town, less the amount of all sinking funds pre-