bear the signature, or facsimile signature, of the Treasurer,
and be countersigned by the duly authorized agent or agents,
of the Board; and all such checks shall be issued only upon
the warrant of the Board signed by at least one of the members
of said Board. Any balance of moneys requisitioned from the
unemployment trust fund which remains unclaimed or unpaid
in the benefit account after the expiration of the period for
which such sums were requisitioned shall either be deducted
from estimates for, and may be utilized for the payment of,
benefits and refunds during succeeding periods, or, in the dis-
cretion of the Board, shall be redeposited with the Secretary
of the Treasury of the United States of America, to the credit
of this State's account in the unemployment trust fund, as pro-
vided in Sub-section (b) of this section.
12. (b) Financing. All monies received by this State under
the said Act of Congress, as amended, shall be paid into the un-
employment compensation administration fund, and said monies
are hereby made available to the Maryland Employment Service
to be expended as provided by this section and by said Act of
Congress. For the purpose of establishing and maintaining
free public employment offices, the Board is authorized to enter
into agreements with the Railroad Retirement Board, or any
other agency of the United States charged with the adminis-
tration of an unemployment compensation law, with any
political sub-division of this State or with any private, non-
profit organization, and as a part of any such agreement the
Board may accept monies, services, or quarters as a contribu-
tion to the unemployment compensation administration fund.
13. (a) Special Fund. There is hereby created in the State
Treasury a special fund to be known as the unemployment
compensation administration fund. All moneys which are
deposited or paid into this fund shall be continuously avail-
able to the Board for expenditure in accordance with the pro-
visions of this Act, and shall not lapse at any time or be
transferred to any other fund. All moneys in this fund which
are received from the Federal Government or any agency
thereof or which are appropriated by this State for the pur-
poses described in Section 12 of this Act shall be expended
solely for the purposes and in the amounts found necessary
by the Social Security Board for the proper and efficient ad-
ministration of this Act. The fund shall consist of all moneys
appropriated by this State, all moneys received from the
United States of America, or any agency thereof, including
the Social Security Board, and all moneys received from any