(House Bill 716)
AN ACT to add seven new sections to Article 44A of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, Flacks Edition
1939, title "Housing Authorities", to be known as Sections
24 to 30 inclusive, under the sub-title "Defense Housing by
Housing Authorities", and to follow immediately after Sec-
tion 23 of said Article, to authorize Housing Authorities
established pursuant to Article 44A of the Code of Public
General Laws to undertake the development or administra-
tion of projects to assure the availability of safe and sani-
tary dwellings for persons engaged in national-defense ac-
tivities; to limit the initiation of the development of such
projects to December 31, 1943; to authorize Housing Au-
thorities to cooperate with or act as agent of the Federal
Government in the development and administration of such
projects of the Federal Government, to acquire or lease
such projects and to sell certain low-cost housing or slum
clearance projects to the Federal Government; to authorize
public bodies to assist such projects of Housing Authorities
and of the Federal Government; to make obligations issued
for such projects of Housing Authorities legal investments;
and to declare valid all bonds, notes and obligations of
Housing Authorities issued for projects heretofore under-
taken to assure the availability of safe and sanitary dwel-
lings for persons engaged in national-defense activities.
(Vetoed. )
(House Bill 717)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 10
of Article 44A of the Annotated Code of the Public General
Laws of Maryland (Flack's Edition 1939), title "Housing
Authorities" pertaining to rentals and tenant selection for
housing projects of housing authorities.
(Vetoed. )
(House Bill 715)
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 44B of the Annotated
Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, Flack's Edi-