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Session Laws, 1941
Volume 582, Page 1000   View pdf image (33K)
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Until otherwise fixed by ordinance such salary shall
be twenty-five dollars per year. No ordinance fixing or
changing the salary of Councilmen shall become effective
during the current term of office of Councilmen enacting
such ordinance. Councilmen shall be qualified electors of
the Town and shall not hold any other elective public office,
except that Councilmen may be Notary Publics, members
of the state militia, or non-elective officers or employees of
the United States. A Councilman ceasing to possess any
of the qualifications specified in this section, or convicted of
crime while in office, shall immediately forfeit his office.

61. (5) Tax roll. Each year as soon after the date of
finality as practicable and before taxes become due and pay-
able in each year, the Town Treasurer shall prepare the tax
roll showing the assessed valuation of all real or personal
property subject to taxation in the Town of Greenbelt;
such tax roll shall contain a full list of all such real estate
and improvements thereon as the same has been valued and
assessed, with the owners thereof, the location and descrip-
tion of each piece or parcel of ground so assessed and
valued, and shall contain also an alphabetical list of all per-
sons to whom personal property has been assessed, with the
amounts of such assessments.

Each person whose personal property is so assessed
shall be allowed a minimum exemption of one hundred dol-
lars. The Council may omit automobiles from the personal
property assessment.

The Council may divide personal property into two sec-
tions, namely automobiles and household effects, and levy
against them at different rates of taxation.

The Council shall determine and certify to the Town
Treasurer the rate or rates of taxation applicable to the
several classes of property contained in said tax roll. The
rate for sub-divided property on which there has been de-
velopments or contemplated development of at least one
living unit per acre shall be determined by the Council
at a rate that shall bring sufficient return for the opera-
tion of the Town government.

The rate on rural undeveloped, unimproved land, or land
used primarily for farm purposes shall be not more than
ten cents on each One Hundred Dollars of assessed valu-

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1941.

Approved May 2, 1941.


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Session Laws, 1941
Volume 582, Page 1000   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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