Lights and Mufflers, " be and it is hereby repealed and re-
enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
193. (1) BRAKES. Every motor vehicle, except trail-
ers and side-cars, while in use on the public highways of
this State, shall be provided with adequate brakes.
(2) HORNS. Every such motor vehicle shall be equipped
with a suitable bell, horn or other signaling device produc-
ing an abrupt sound sufficiently loud to serve as an ade-
quate warning of danger, but no person operating any
motor vehicle shall make or cause to be made any un-
necessary noise with such bell, horn or signaling device,
or use the same except as a warning of danger, and such
signaling device shall not be sounded while passing a horse
or other animal in the open country. Within the limits
of cities, towns and villages, loud sounding signaling de-
vices shall not be used during the period from one hour
after sunset to one hour before sunrise, unless absolutely
necessary to avoid accidents. An adequate signaling de-
vice shall in all cases be sounded on approaching curves,
tops of hills and intersecting highways in the open country
where the operator's view is obstructed.
(2A) MIRRORS. Every commercial motor vehicle not
equipped with pneumatic tires, and every commercial
motor vehicle so constructed or loaded that the operator
is prevented from having a free and unobstructed view of
the highway immediately to the rear and at the sides of
the same, shall be equipped with a mirror or reflector at-
tached to and so located and adjusted on such vehicle as
to give the operator thereof a clear reflected view of the
highway to the rear of such vehicle. It shall be the duty
of the owner of such motor vehicle to equip the same with
a mirror or reflector as aforesaid, and see that the same
is maintained on such vehicle, and of the operator thereof
at all times to see that such mirror or reflector is kept in
proper adjustment as aforesaid. The failure of either to
do as above required shall be a misdemeanor, punishable
by a fine of not less than one dollar ($1. 00) nor more
than fifty dollars ($50. 00) for the first offense.
(3) LIGHTS. Every vehicle, including motor vehicles
and horse drawn vehicles, operated or driven on the public
highways of the State, at any time when there is not suffi-
cient daylight to render clearly discernible a person, vehicle
or other substantial object on the highway at a distance
of two hundred (200) feet ahead, shall be provided with
lights, as hereinafter provided of sufficient power and so