highway, which is hereby defined to be a highway having
a hard, smooth surface, composed of gravel, shells, crushed
stone, paving blocks, asphalt, concrete or other similar
substance, from an unpaved public highway, or from a
private road or drive, shall come to a full stop upon reach-
ing the intersection, and yield the right of way to all
vehicles approaching on such paved public highway. The
operator of a vehicle upon a highway shall yield the right
of way to ambulances and police and fire department
vehicles when the latter are operated upon official business
and the drivers thereof sound audible signal by bell, siren
or exhaust whistle. This provision shall not operate to
relieve the operator of an ambulance or of a police or fire
department vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard
for the safety of all persons using the highway nor shall
it protect the operator of any such vehicle from the con-
sequence of an arbitrary exercise of such right of way.
Upon the approach of any ambulance or police or fire
department vehicle giving audible signal by bell, siren or
exhaust whistle, the operator or every other vehicle shall
immediately drive the same to a position as near as possible
and parallel to the right hand edge or curb of the highway,
clear of any intersection of highways, and shall stop and
remain in such position unless otherwise directed by a
police or traffic officer until the ambulance, police or fire
department vehicle shall have passed. It shall be unlawful
for the operator of any vehicle other than one on official
business to follow any fire apparatus traveling in response
to a fire alarm closer than six hundred feet or to drive
into or park such vehicle within six hundred feet to the
place where fire apparatus has stopped in answer to a
fire alarm.
The State Roads Commission is hereby authorized and
directed to designate main traveled or through highways
by erecting at the entrances thereto from inter-
secting highways signs notifying drivers of vehicles
to come to a full stop before entering or cross-
ing such designated highway, and whenever any
such signs have been so erected, it shall be un-
lawful for the operator of any vehicle, including
bicycle, to fail to stop in obedience thereto, ex-
cept when traffic at such marked intersection is
controlled by traffic signals or officers. All such
signs shall be illuminated at night or so placed
as to be illuminated by the headlights of an ap-
proaching vehicle or by street lights. The operator of
a vehicle, including bicycle, entering a highway so desig-
nated shall yield the right of way to all vehicles approach-